
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The little piece of tape that connects a father and son

It's been at least 20 years, but that little piece of tape is still stuck just inside the top drawer of my desk.
It's brittle and yellowish now, but somehow it's still stuck there, right where I put it years ago, sometime after my oldest son went in for surgery on his wrist.
Because I'm a father, not a mother, I can't remember when it happened, nor do I recall all the specifics of it, like how old he was or how long the surgery lasted. But I do remember him going into the hospital that day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Do something nice for someone, evebody wins

Because I tend to watch a lot of sports on television, I see a great many commercials. Now, like many of you, I often get up to grab a snack or, um, visit the little room down the hall during those breaks in the action. Sometimes, though, I just sit there watching and waiting for the game to come back on.
Hey, I'm a guy. I'm not that complicated. If the game's on, I'm not hungry or I don't need to, you know, visit the little room down the hall, I'll just sit there with a stupid look on my face, thinking about, well, nothing in particular.
The other day I was cemented to my easy chair and saw a commercial for an insurance company (what are the chances, right?) . I'm guessing you've seen it, too. It's not the one with that goofy chick, Flo, or the one with the talking lizard (I know, I know, it's not a lizard). It was a serious one that shows a woman witnessing someone doing a good deed for her. Then she, in turn, does a good deed for someone else, who does a good deed for someone else ... and so on, and so on.
I think they call that "paying it forward."